
Conceptual copy writing
It’s often said that everyone can write, and that is almost certainly true – but writing for business is about more than being able to put a few sentences together. The role of a writer is not simply to take what you say and work it into readable text – although we are happy to do that too. It is more about helping you be selective about what you do say so that it has the greatest impact. That’s why we take time to talk to you about your business; to understand your offer, your objectives, what makes you tick, and what information will be most valuable in ‘selling’ your story to your audiences.
In many cases, less is more but, when you are passionate about a subject, it's not always easy to decide what to take out, and what to leave in. We’ll help you choose the right information for your individual audiences, work out the best way to communicate your ideas, and do so in such a way that all of your materials have a strong core message and a cohesive story and style.
copy writing + editing + blogs + feature writing press releases + web site text + social media proposal documents + advertising copy + guidelines + newsletters + direct mail
Whether you want original words for web sites, blogs, brochures and articles, or to amend existing copy, we'll fashion text that is concise, creative, challenging, informative – and effective. Whatever your subject matter. And whoever your audience.
Ghost authoring
Almost everyone, on occasion, needs help to put down their ideas on paper, in a professional and accessible way. However, many people feel overwhelmed by the blank page or simply don’t have the time to put their ideas into written words. We’ll help you get your message across, in your own words and your own style.
Editing and re-writing
You may already have been working on some text but can’t quite get it to say what you want it to. This can often be because you've been working on it for too long, are too familiar with it, or need a more independent eye to help bring it in line with your expectations. We’ll work with you to help provide that distance, help you refine your story, and then craft it into an engaging and interesting story for your audiences.